Biocup 01 1 l

Home use: 0.5-1 l/10 l water. NATUR Biokal 01 Natural plant fortifier and pesticide A simple natural solution to enhance and protect the vitality of plants! Biokal 01 is a purely natural extract that enhances plant vigour, provides all the nutrients necessary for growth for all types of plants and is not a fertiliser. It is 100% organic, sa... Long description
€5.90 * (nettó: €4.65)

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Home use: 0.5-1 l/10 l water.

NATUR Biokal 01 Natural plant fortifier and pesticide

A simple natural solution to enhance and protect the vitality of plants!

Biokal 01 is a purely natural extract that enhances plant vigour, provides all the nutrients necessary for growth for all types of plants and is not a fertiliser. It is 100% organic, safe for plants and animals and benefits the natural environment, reducing the use of costly fertilizers. Biokal 01 is bottled as a ready to dilute solution, ready for easy and immediate use. It is highly concentrated, making it an easy and cost-effective way to grow healthier and more vibrant plants.

Suggested uses:

1.) Bio-seed dibbling for sustainable agriculture

Proper seed banding can maximize the potential for full seed germination, robust plant development and higher yields.

Natural seed germination is an affordable and effective way to fulfil the potential for full seed germination, robust plant establishment, early rapid development and thus higher yields. It is also one of the smallest financial investments a farmer can make to increase productivity and improve profitability.

It is a natural mulching agent and stimulates root growth.
It also contains ingredients that stimulate the development of indigenous microbes in the root zone.
Proven reliable performance in both low and high rainfall areas and can be used in all soil types.

Why do we band the seeds?

Once the seeds have been planted, it is important that germination occurs evenly and quickly. If the soil is too cold, germination may be delayed and the seeds may be damaged and germinate unevenly, to the extent that in some cases, sowing may have to be repeated. Seed germination is particularly important in areas where the soil is cold and wet (especially in areas with limited soil disturbance or with stubble sowing) and in areas with low moisture content. Seed stripping is also effective against a wide range of problems, such as seed rot, seedling diseases and soil-borne pathogens.

Seed dressing with natural products can make certain phosphates in the soil available that are difficult for plants to access, promote nitrogen fixation, root development and rapid germination, stimulate cell division and increase stress tolerance. In addition, this type of seed treatment can increase the vigour of treated plants and help them to resist fungal pests and avoid infestation. Typical results of the application of natural substances are:

early root growth and larger roots,
much stronger stems, better retention, increased yield.
A larger root system provides the plant with better access to water and nutrients, which ultimately results in better health throughout the life of the plant.

It is a natural developmental trait of plants to create a "nutrient depleted" zone around their roots and to access new nutrient sources, the plant either (1) grows more roots and root hairs or (2) forms a symbiotic relationship with a fungus whose fungal filaments can take up nutrients and transfer them to the plant. Most plants with tubular stems can form such relationships, called "mycorrhizae". Microrhizal fungi can include those that live on the surface of the plant and those that invade the plant's body.

Seed germination can "colonise" the roots of plants and initiate root fibres into the surrounding soil. These fibres form a bridge that connects the roots of the plant to the surrounding soil over a large area (up to 200 times the root zone) and act as a "pipeline" through which the plant channels nutrients. In return, the plant releases compounds through its roots that stimulate fungal growth. The effectiveness of the fungi is also stimulated by soil-dwelling micro-organisms such as Bacillus sp. These bacteria, many of which are aerobic, influence root colonisation and act by producing vitamins, hormones and other compounds that promote fungal growth.

The best known property of fungi is their ability to improve plant growth in low phosphate soils by supplying phosphate to the plant. Other benefits associated with root colonisation by fungi include assisting in the enhanced uptake of nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, copper, zinc, sulphur, boron, molybdenum, etc. Largely due to this association of individual soil microbes and fungi, many of these elements that are not available in available forms are made water soluble by the microbes. These are then absorbed by the fungi and transported to the plant via the fungal 'pipeline'.

Fungi can increase the disease resistance of plants to root pathogens, especially when the fungi have been able to establish themselves on the root system in time before the pathogens attack. An important role of fungi is to build soil friability by fixing soil particles into a filamentous mass and by producing sticky substances that hold these particles together. Primarily due to improved plant nutrition, fungal colonisation also improves the drought tolerance of the plant.

Tillage of soil structure, for example by disking, can damage the fungal filament network's connections with plant roots. Fungal abundance is also reduced by extensive fallowing and flooding. The level of fungal activity can be determined by examining the percentage of colonisation on the plant root system.

2) Soil improvement

Usually applied as a general conditioner before emergence to improve the soil eco-balance.

Factors such as acid rain, agricultural chemicals and repeated cultivation of the same crop can damage the soil and prevent the growth of essential microorganisms.

By using Biokal 01 as a plant vitality enhancer, the development and correct balance of these microorganisms can be maintained. Its use is recommended for both home gardening and commercial, sustainable crop production.

It strengthens the roots and allows the plant to use the nutrients and minerals in the soil more efficiently.
improves water management in the plant, making it more resistant to prolonged drought or irregular rainfall,
produces stronger, greener leaves, which are essential for photosynthesis and further growth,
enhances the plant's resistance to pests and extreme weather conditions,
the organic matter, mineral salts and trace elements contained in the product can increase the mineral transfer capacity of the soil over a long period of time.

3) Foliar fertilisation

Surprisingly, plants take up nutrients much more efficiently through stomata (plant pores) in the leaves than through the roots. Growing plants can be given a big boost by spraying them with a solution of Biokal 01 natural foliar fertiliser at regular intervals.

Not only can it be used as a general robusting agent, but it is also a good way to immediately stimulate and revive stressed, tired or sick plants.

Facts about foliar fertilizers:

Studies have shown that feeding through the leaves can be 8-10 times more effective than feeding through the soil.
Up to 90% of the material applied as foliar fertiliser reaches the roots of the plant in less than an hour.
Foliar feeding is an effective way to compensate for soil deficiencies and nutrient uptake from nutrient-poor soil.

Thus, the most effective and economical method of application of Biokal 01 is foliar spraying. This should be repeated several times, preferably at 3 week intervals.

Adequate nutrient supply must be ensured throughout the main stages of the plant's growth cycle (e.g. germination, root and leaf development, tillering, stem development, inflorescence emergence (budding), flowering, fruit ripening) to ensure that the treated plant develops in the most optimal way.

Spraying can also be done with a simple spray bottle. In small gardens, Biokal 01 can be applied at the appropriate dilution with hand or backpack sprayers.

4) Natural pest repellents

The logical approach to pest control is to maintain a balance of the various organisms in the yard or garden. In a diverse ecosystem, pest populations are regulated naturally. When establishing this balance, the use of the least toxic products is preferable so that beneficial insects suffer the least damage.

If garden pests are present, the least toxic method should be used first: Biokal 01 is a good solution. It acts like a barrier, or barbed wire, keeping creep-crawling pests like ants out. Its special essential oil content provides effective protection against ants without endangering our children and pets.

Special essential oil content

Its special essential oil content makes it very effective against various plant pests (aphids, insects, mites, etc.). In order to best protect the plant against a parasite or pathogen, the treatment must be repeated several times (usually three times) in order to ensure that the next generation of pests is effectively protected, just as with other conventional pesticides.


This product reduces the multiplication of many viruses, bacteria and fungi and should be used alone or in combination with other products to control pathogens. It is also very effective against Erwinia amylovora.

What problems can the Biokal range solve?

Humus deficiency
Biohumus is an essential ingredient in all members of the Biokal range, providing a long-lasting nutrient supply in the right form (solution and nutrient cube).
Unfortunately, we cannot yet control the weather, although we are doing our best to protect ourselves from its adverse effects. Biokal improves the plant's water management so that it makes good use of uneven rainfall, helping it through the dry spells.
Small, small crops (roots, beetroot, raspberries, strawberries, apples)
The small crop is partly due to drought and lack of nutrients and partly due to the variety of the plant. A plant treated with Biokal, because it is healthy and vigorous and its water balance is strengthened, will produce larger grains, larger quantities and a healthier crop.
Short flowering period, few fertilised seeds
Biokal FLOWER SUPPLIER prolongs the flowering period, thereby improving the proportion of fertilised seeds (setting rate). In sunflowers, for example, the use of Biokal technology significantly reduces the formation of empty seeds.
Wheat has a low chicory content
Using Biokal, while increasing the quantity, increases the gluten content of the grain and improves its quality. The reputation of excellent Hungarian grain can be restored!

Biokal 01 is a natural, non-toxic leavening agent, proven by years of research!

100% organic and natural
Organic and natural, organic and non-toxic
Organic and natural, natural and natural
100% organic and non-organic
all natural and inorganic
cost effective (highly concentrated, dilutable solution)
improves overall plant health and biochemical characteristics,
strengthens the immune system (natural resistance) of plants,
helps the plants to fully incorporate physiological reserves during the vegetative cycle and stimulates normal metabolic processes
plants are more resistant to adverse growing conditions,
helps plants to better withstand critical periods throughout the growth cycle,
accelerates growth,
using them, leaves are larger, shinier and consequently richer in chlorophyll,
helps plants to flower more, increasing flowering time,
better, bigger, richer fruit: fruit/yield quality improves, quantity increases.

Crop Small users Large farm/ha Technology proposal
Cereals 0,6L/ 10L water 10L/ 300L water 1x after hatching and 1x at flowering
Seed dibbling 3L/ 10L water for 350 kg of seed mixing and sowing after 1-2 days
Berries, legumes 0.6L/ 10L water 10L/ 250L water 16-21 days 3-4 sprays per growing season
Grapes 1L /10L to water after flowering Biokal 02 12L/ 300L to water after flowering Biokal 02 12 daily from June 5 to July 25. Mix with other fungicides during periods of infestation.
Flowers 0,7L/ 10L water 12L/ 250L water every 10-12 days
Ornamental shrubs, lawn 1L/10L water to 12L/ 300L water every 15-20 days
Vegetables 0.5L/10L water to 10L/ 250L water To control sprouting and seedling death, every 10 days after planting
Fruit trees 0.8L Biokal 01-02 for 10L water 12L Biokal 01-02 for 350L water Washing and every 14 days after bud break

Preparation of the spray material:
To prepare one unit of spray solution, mix the specified amount of Biokal 01 with 10L of water in a clean container. The mixing of water and spray material can be safely carried out in the spray tower or in the tank of the spray adapter. In either case, the relevant application instructions must be followed.

Preparation of the spraying equipment:
The spray equipment or adapter must be prepared as described in the instructions for use. It is important that the pressure required for spraying is accurately set and the speed of the equipment is predetermined. After spraying, wash the equipment with clean water.

Biokal 01 is manufactured according to the guidelines for organic products. The materials used in the manufacturing process are from naturally occurring and sustainable sources that comply with organic guidelines and the list of approved substances. Biokal 01 does NOT contain synthetic chemicals, animal ingredients, animal products, manure or manure by-products. It is environmentally friendly and not harmful to animals, plants or humans.

Special thermal water extract of various medicinal plants (57 %)
biohumus essence (38%)
essential oils (5%)

The special essential oil content makes it very effective against various plant pests (aphids, insects, mites, etc.). In order to best protect the plant against a parasite or pathogen, the treatment must be repeated several times (usually three times) in order to ensure effective protection against a subsequent generation of pests, as with other traditional plant protection products.

Active ingredient content:
macro- and microelements, nutrients,
amino acids,
other organic acids,
root growth stimulants,
minerals: cations (1007.30 mg/l) and anions (2240.70 mg/l)
Weight: 5 kg
Width: 100 mm
Height: 100 mm
Length: 300 mm
Aviability: raktáron
Basic sales unit: db

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